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At Castlecroft we intend for all pupils to become competent scientific thinkers and investigators who will encounter awe and wonder through first-hand scientific investigative experiences and approaches, which activate learning for all children. With great emphasis on providing children with a high-quality science education that offers the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, our curriculum design for Science across primary school promotes specific competencies including knowledge, enquiry and the working scientifically based skills. Creative pathways to learning are planned for so that children can make links to prior learning and develop depth in key skills within Science that are rich, stimulating, challenging and real life with the aim of enabling children to master learning with skills, knowledge and experiences that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.

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  Castlecroft Primary School  

"We are all different, we are all special"

Windmill Cres



01902 556606

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