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At Castlecroft Primary School, we see English as the foundation of our school curriculum and we recognise how important it is for our children’s future academic success to become masters of all aspects of the English language.

Promoting a love of the English language is paramount to us. We want our children to leave us as independent learners; articulate young people with wide vocabularies, able to express their ideas, thoughts and emotions confidently and clearly and who are able to listen to and discuss issues skilfully. We want them to be passionate readers with the comprehension skills to understand challenging texts and enthusiastic writers with the ability to write with grammatical accuracy for a variety of purposes and audiences with their own individual writing flair. These skills will enable pupils to express themselves fluently and accurately not just in English lessons but across the whole curriculum with confidence. We know that this is key for our children’s success both now and in their futures including later in the world of work.

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  Castlecroft Primary School  

"We are all different, we are all special"

Windmill Cres



01902 556606

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