By Bobby

Castlecroft eventually held their annual sports day on Tuesday 27th June, as it was postponed the week before due to rain. Year 1 to Year 6 came onto the field and walked past our parents to see where they were sitting.
The sports day started with the Year 1 sprint with much excitement and lots of cheering. Year 6 were Mr Morgan’s helpers for the day. We helped him set up the equipment and ran the event with him by giving out stickers, holding the finish line and collecting the equipment once the activities had finished.
We had various events during the afternoon like; egg and spoon, three-legged, skipping, wheelchair race and relay. We finished our sports day off with the tug-of-war final, with Clee winning.
After all the points had been tallied-up Wrekin came in first place, winning by 16 points, second place was Clee with 84 points, followed closely by Clent with 83 and Malvern coming 4th.
I really enjoyed our sports day because it was full of fun activities and the atmosphere was electric with excellent sportsmanship.