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Dunfield House

By Ava Crosbie, Rosleen Susch and Freya Turner

On Wednesday 22nd March, Year 4 were going to Dunfield House in Wales. A double decker bus came to pick us up and drove us to the Safari Park first. We saw a sea-lion show and went in the bat cave after going round all the other animals on the bus. We got a great view from the top of the bus.

Then we were driven to Dunfield House, on our arrival we collected our sheets and made our beds after picking a buddy to bunk with. The bell rang to give us the signal to go to the lounge, where Mr Dyall asked us to take our suitcases and unpack. After unpacking, we had dinner, some people said the ketchup tasted like sweet chilly. We then went upstairs for free time followed by a fire drill in the lounge.

Before getting into our cozy beds we played some games in our rooms then had some hot chocolate and Smores in the dining room and wrote in our diaries.

Thursday morning, we woke up and had a cooked breakfast, followed by some free time until Mr Dyall rang the bell for us to do the scavenger hunt. After counting up all our points Miss Campion and Cillian had won.

We had a jacket potato for lunch and then split into groups, some did watercolor painting, some did shopping, the rest did swimming or hockey. After we had all swapped and done all the activities, we sat in the lounge and did the cleaning challenge followed by some free time before the bell rang for our roast dinner, which was so tasty. Thank you Chef!

After dinner we did an Easter egg hunt and then got ready for the disco which was great, we also told some jokes. Finally, we went to our rooms, got into our pyjamas and went to bed.

We woke up on our last day and packed our suitcases, had our breakfast and then waited for the coach to arrive to take us to Carding Mill Valley where we did some rock climbing. Then we got onto the coach to go back to school where our parents were waiting for us. We returned exhausted but very happy from an excellent trip.

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