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Computing Day

By Chloe and Darcy

On Wednesday 3rd May, Year 3 had a Computing Day with Miss Kinghorn. On our iPads we used ‘Balloon Stickies’, which is an app where you chose a picture and add speech bubbles on to it to make a scene. We didn’t go to assembly so we could have more time on the iPads. Next, we did an activity where we created a diagram about volcanoes. We studied all about volcanoes for the day.

After lunch, we created a poster about volcanoes, some looked like red fire and others were iced blue in colour.

At the end of the day, we created a story book about volcanoes which wasn’t hard. We had so much fun and learnt to do a lot more activities on the iPad.

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  Castlecroft Primary School  

"We are all different, we are all special"

Windmill Cres



01902 556606

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