01902 556606

Castlecroft Primary School
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Our agreed school definition of bullying is:-
Bullying is the deliberate and repeated attempt by a person (or group) to hurt a person (or group) physically verbally or emotionally where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.
We teach the children to remember this by Several Times On Purpose - STOP
To raise a concern about bullying in school pupils or parents can:-
Speak to any member of staff particularly the Headteacher or Deputy.
Children can use the worry monsters or worry boxes in class
Phone into the office to make an appointment
As a school we have an action group made up of the Deputy Head Mrs Birbeck-Simpson, our anti-bullying governor Mr Russell Stanley and two parent representatives, Mr Paul Green and Miss Rachel Corbett plus pupil representatives. This action group is to monitor policy and practice. Parents are welcome to share ideas with this group but not to discuss incidents of bullying which should be reported in the above ways